Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Swiss adventure begins

Our move to Switzerland is beginning. Last week we handed in our notice to our landlord and this week I have started putting things in boxes. We leave for Zurich on January 31 but have a lot on before then. We have 3 weeks before my husband's brother and girlfriend arrive for Christmas, and 4 weeks before we move out of our house and go to Panama for a few weeks (for my husband's work & a vacation). Our last day in our house will be Tuesday December 29, which is the same day we leave for Panama, so we need to have everything packed/sold/ready for Zurich by then. The good news is that we have pre-sold all of our furniture (except for our bed) to a friend of ours, and have hopefully got a place to stay for a couple of weeks when we return to Atlanta in mid-January. The house is slowly transforming, with some rooms emptying out and others filling up with boxes.

We will also have to sell the Chrysler in January, saying goodbye to our American gas guzzling friend and hello to an excellent Swiss public transportation system, hoorah!

For now though, the beautiful Southern weather must be enjoyed and soaked up as much as possible because while we were getting sun burnt here just a few weeks ago, I see that snow and oh so low lows are the norm in Zurich right now. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey there - what a great idea this is :) Shame that you are leaving that beautiful house in Atlanta, but Zurich will be awesome. I am so totally jealous! Do you know where you will be living in Z? Have to Skype you before Xmas!
